
Bullet With His Name

Fritz Leiber

11,818 words (50-60 minutes)
Genre: Science Fiction, Satire, Psychological Thriller
Originally published in Fantastic Science Fiction Stories in August, 1958

Bullet with His Name is a mind-bending tale of cosmic intervention, human frailty, and missed opportunities. When Ernie Meeker, an ordinary Chicago office worker, unknowingly becomes the test subject of galactic forces, he is granted six mysterious "Gifts"—extraordinary abilities meant to determine his planet’s worthiness for enlightenment. But instead of using them to elevate himself or humanity, Ernie rejects, fears, or squanders each one. From a razor blade that never dulls to instant comprehension of books to an elixir of immortality, each Gift tests his will, his courage, and his limitations. His ultimate fate—foretold by a cosmic bullet—leads to a darkly ironic conclusion, proving that sometimes, the weight of power is too much for one man to bear.